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Mini-Split AC Systems Units in Glendora, CA

Mini-split air conditioning systems help Glendora, CA residents cool their homes efficiently. Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning offers a wide range of services to our customers. Still, one of our specialties is these highly efficient systems. A ductless air conditioner is a cooling system that enables homeowners to control temperatures and climates in individual rooms and spaces. They are perfect for residents who want some rooms to be cooler than others. They are also useful in homes where some rooms run naturally warmer than others. For instance, if your upstairs bedroom runs hot, a ductless system lets you set the temperature in that room cooler than in other rooms.

Air Conditioning Team Working on HVAC Systems in Glendora, CA

The Benefits of Choosing A Ductless Air Conditioning System

At Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves on delivering impactful solutions to our customers. One of the reasons we have developed our reputation is our commitment to superior customer service. We do that in many ways. But perhaps the most important lies in our willingness to educate our clients about the benefits of the systems we install, including mini-splits. The advantages of ductless air conditioning include:

  • They’re Perfect for Challenging AC Needs: Mini-split systems are incredibly customizable. That makes them ideal for difficult situations. For example, many Cape Cod houses feature upstairs rooms that run hotter than the rest of the home. A mini-split system would enable you to set the downstairs temperature at 68 degrees and the upstairs at 66 degrees, negating the temperature difference.
  • They Are Energy-Efficient: Ductless mini-splits are endlessly more efficient, meaning you will save money in the long run. One of the reasons is in a central air conditioner system, there is a considerable amount of energy lost in the ductwork. Ductless mini-split systems do not have that problem.
  • They Promote Better Indoor Air Quality: Air quality is essential. Did you know a mini-split is one of the best ways to increase the quality of air breathed in your home? The reason is simple. Most homes feature dirty and contaminated ductwork. Because mini-splits do not require ducts to circulate cool air, you bypass this particular problem.
  • Flexible Placement: We install each unit directly on a wall in each home. But we have endless options about where to place the unit. We can even place it on the ceiling if you choose. This flexibility allows you to install a ductless air conditioner without worrying about disrupting the existing interior décor of your home.
Air Conditioning Service Scene, Depicting Technicians at Work on HVAC Systems in Glendora, CA

Introduce Efficiency To Your Home With a Mini-Split

There are two types of ductless mini-split systems that offer unique benefits to homeowners who invest in them. For instance, a single-zone system will have one indoor unit that corresponds to a single outdoor compressor. The compressor carries refrigerant to the interior. Then it runs through a small opening. The other option, a multi-zone system, is slightly more complicated. If you choose this unit, we can set up a system that includes up to five indoor units, each controlled by a wireless remote control. This enables you to control the climate in each room in your home.

We Offer A Wide Range of Cooling Solutions

Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning offers high-quality solutions to homeowners who want to improve their houses. Ductless air conditioning systems are an excellent way to do so. But they are not the only fix to your cooling problems. We also offer more traditional central air conditioner installations. Our team handles repairs and maintenance of air conditioning systems – including ductless mini-splits. If you want to try something new, then contact us today.

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