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Premier Lennox® Heating & Air Systems

Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning provides premier Lennox® heating and air systems to residents throughout Glendora, CA and the surrounding areas. Our family-owned and -operated company has served the San Gabriel Valley area for over 55 years. Over that time, we have installed and serviced various heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. Our valued customers can count on us to provide high-quality services. As San Gabriel Valley’s Lennox® premier dealer, you can trust us to deliver nothing less than the best.

Your Lennox® Premier Dealer for the San Gabriel Valley

At Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning, we are pleased to offer Lennox® heating and air conditioning products. As a Lennox® premier dealer, we are trained to deliver a level of service, products, and comfort that exceeds customers’ expectations. Lennox® premier dealers are expert HVAC professionals trained to handle any comfort concern or issue, from new equipment, HVAC controls, filtration systems, or when troubleshooting existing Lennox® systems. Premier dealers are the best of the best.

We Offer the Best Cooling Services for Lennox® Products

If you have a Lennox® air conditioner already installed in your home or business, you can rely on our professional team to provide you with the best cooling services for your Lennox® system. We offer air conditioning maintenance and repair, air conditioning replacement, and ductless split air conditioning systems. Below, we’ve gone into further detail about each of these cooling services we offer

AC Replacement – When you replace your air conditioner, you must choose wisely. For instance, the size of the unit is an essential aspect of selecting an AC unit. We can help with that. Your comfort level matters, too.

AC Maintenance & Repair – While most air conditioning systems will last between 10 and 15 years as a standard, this isn’t always guaranteed. Routine AC maintenance is essential if you want your AC unit to endure for the years to come.

Ductless Split AC Systems – A ductless air conditioner is a cooling system that enables homeowners to control temperatures and climates in individual rooms and spaces. They are perfect for residents who want some rooms to be cooler than others. They are also helpful in homes where some rooms run naturally warmer than others.

Residential Home Featuring Air Conditioning System in Glendora, CA 

Why Choose Lennox® Products for Your Property?

Lennox® products make people feel comfortable in their homes. Lennox® makes the air cooler, warmer, dryer, cleaner and better. The innovative systems of the Lennox® brand are exceptionally quiet and energy efficient. Reach out to our team today and talk to a Lennox® expert about your needs, and we’ll match you up with the best product that will meet your needs for years to come.

Contact Us Today About Lennox HVAC Systems

Whatever your home, office, lifestyle, and budget, there’s a Lennox® system that can meet your needs. Whether you’re looking for a Lennox® air conditioner or heater, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about the Lennox® brand or to schedule a consultation with our team.

Your Expert Heating and Cooling Specialists

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