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Reliable Weatherization Program by Our Experienced Team

Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning has over 55 years of experience providing HVAC solutions and weatherization programs to families throughout Glendora, CA and the surrounding communities. We aim to ensure you and your family stay comfortable throughout the year. One of the most effective ways we can improve your home’s climate is with our weatherization program. With our weatherization program, we’ll inspect your home to ensure that it can withstand inclement weather while keeping you safe and comfortable. There are numerous benefits to choosing the home weatherization process by us. Contact our knowledgeable and experienced team of professionals today to get started.

dad reading to daughter in her room

Understanding the Benefits of Our Weatherization Program

You no longer must deal with rising energy costs and an uncomfortable home. Our weatherization program ensures you receive all the benefits associated with this service. Learn more about the benefits of our weatherization program, including:  

  • Lower Energy Costs – One of the most significant benefits of weatherizing your home is the savings you’ll notice on your home’s energy bills. Weatherization prevents the warm outside air from entering your home, so you can stay cooler for longer without running your air conditioner.
  • Comfort – Proper weatherization prevents the temperature in your home from fluctuating significantly from hot to cold. Overall, homeowners and their families will enjoy better comfort.
  • Improved Air Quality – Home weatherization helps alleviate many of the common causes of asthma, including bacteria, allergen, dust mites, and many more. The result is cleaner air in your home and a happy, healthy family.

What Is Home Weatherization?

Home weatherization gained popularity in the mid-1940s to describe the process of preparing a home for adverse weather conditions. This process ensures that the weather outside, whether it’s extremely hot or bitterly cold, doesn’t affect the comfort inside your home. While many new homes are constructed with weatherization as a priority, older homes and damage can cause your home to become less insulated, therefore exposing it to the outside weather. The team of professionals at Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning provides a wide range of weatherization options for homeowners throughout the community.

Ways to Weatherize Your Home

Despite what you may think, home weatherization can be an affordable option to improve the comfort of your home. Not only that, but it can also significantly lower your home’s energy cost, further alleviating the up-front price. When you choose our team for weatherization, we’ll recommend a program that fits your needs and budget while providing you with the comfort you need throughout the year. Some of the most common weatherization services we provide include:

home insulation
  • Old Insulation Removal – Insulation is crucial for weatherizing your home. However, if you have old insulation, it won’t provide you with the protection you need. The most common signs that your home has old insulation are fluctuating temperatures and noticing a draft. Removing it is one of the first steps of improving the weatherization of your home.
  • Install New InsulationInstalling new insulation is one of the most drastic updates you can make to your home. Newer insulation has a higher R-value meaning it better maintains the temperature inside your home.
  • Radiant BarrierA radiant barrier can be installed on the attic roof to reflect radiant heat out of your home instead of absorbing it. In some cases, radiant barriers have been known to reduce attic temperatures by up to 30°.
  • Updating HVAC DuctworkIt’s crucial to inspect your home’s AC or heating system’s ductwork for any leaks inhibiting its ability to keep your home comfortable. If any leaks are discovered that section should be replaced.
  • Sealing Window LeaksSealing the trim and any leaks around your home’s windows and doors is an easy and affordable way to improve your home’s insulation. Most handy homeowners can complete this process on their own.

Weatherization Is a Great Investment for Your Home

Choosing a weatherization program by Cypress Heating & Air Conditioning can increase the value of your home and provide better comfort for your family while lowering energy costs. If you notice the temperature in your home is cold during the winter and hot during the summer, then a weatherization evaluation may be the correct first step to improving the comfort of your home. Contact our team today to schedule your weatherization consultation.

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